How to mercedes oil change and Engine in 2023

How to mercedes oil change and Engine in 2023

The process of changing engine oil is generally straightforward for most vehicles, mercedes oil change, but the place of the housing for the oil filter that houses the inline six cylinder M110 engine causes the task to be a little more complicated and grueling than is necessary. The cars with M110 engines are beginning to age that means they require more oil changes due to the increase in mileage. My 280CE is now 38 years old, and I make regular oil changes every 5000km. It might sound like it is often however the amount of actual miles the car has is typically only once a year.

If the mercedes oil change is left in a parking lot for a long time, moisture is likely to build up inside the block, and the oil will eventually turn milky and can be seen by opening the cap on the oil filler. If you’re doing the oil change on your own, you’ll be able to see a clear indicator of the condition of the engine. It’s not something you can get from an auto repair shop unless it’s an exclusive workshop specifically designed that is specifically designed for old cars. Who could afford it?

This article is that has been a long time coming, however since I’ve been doing lots of research on the W123 in the past, an chance arose. I also was inspired to write this as I wrote an article about changing the oil on the larger sister M120 engine:


It is necessary to have some tools and supplies prior to starting the work. It is also recommended for you to make sure to switch the oil while the engine is warm as it will allow the oil to run out faster. Also, make sure to go for a spin ahead of changing the oil. Change the oil can be done at any season, therefore there is no need to wait for the summer season to do this. Do it now!


6.5L Synthetic Motor oil that has viscosity suitable for your climate and usage An ideal all-rounder would be 10w-40.

High-quality oil filter. I suggest buying one from Mann as it will include new gaskets and washers. 

Rags or paper towels to remove oil

Brake cleaner


Torque wrench


Oil drip pan

Jack stands or ramps


Make sure that the engine is running warm and then drive the car on ramps or lift the front of your car against the jack stands. The car usually is tall enough to empty the oil without lifting it. However, to get under to access the oil filter, you’ll need space to walk underneath it.

Draining the old oil:

Normally, you remove the oil filter before draining the oil but because this could end up release oil all over the place it is necessary to remove the pan first. Lift the cap of the oil filler for the oil to drain much more easily. Take your oil-cleaning drip pan or dirty one if you are not interested to check the oil later. It’s your choice. Find your trusted 13mm socket, and then crank off the plug for oil drip.

Remove the cap from the oil filler before draining the oil. You will notice the white oil inside the valve cap due to the accumulation of moisture. It’s not due to coolant interacting into the oil. This car has been stored for a long time because of reasons. If the oil has stopped drips, it is possible to move into remove the oil filter housing. If you’ve never seen it, it’s an enormous aluminum canister under the left side of the engine to the rear, mercedes oil change. Below is an image:

The location of the housing for the oil filter within the M110 engine. The MANN logo is on the engine however it may not be for you. It is secured by one bolt.

The filter’s position is secured by one bolt. However, be ready for splashing oil when you begin removing it. Try to balance the filter in an upright position as it’s going to be filled with oil. Be prepared for splashing oil all over the place and keep your mouth shut. When the housing has been removed, wash the mating surface as well as the space around.

Replacing washers and oil filters:

Take out the old oil inside the filter housing, and note the direction of the old washer and filter. Get the oil filter out and dispose of it. Clean up the old gunky oil out of the housing for the oil filter. Utilize a break cleaner to remove the gunk as well as dry-clean.

Perhaps your new filter has new washers in the bag. Replace the washer that is lower on the bolt that holds the oil filter, which is located on the exterior of the housing for the filter (this is not a washer made of copper). It has a spring as well as spring retainer in the housing, below the filter. Make sure to keep it in the same direction prior to placing your new filter. The new filter should be placed with the smaller hole to the left and the bigger hole up. The side that is for upwards typically has a small handle. Don’t forget to change the rubber gasket on the outside of the housing for your filter.

If you check the kit to filter oil, there is a large copper washer that has an unusual design. It is the bolt with a large diameter that is used to hold the valve for relief of pressure close to the housing of the oil filter. It is only necessary to replace it in the event that you observe oil seepage coming from the region. It is not necessary to replace this each time you change your oil. The torque of the bolt in question will be 41 Nm.

When you are reinstalling the filter, be sure to refill the filter completely by using fresh oil. This will decrease wear on the first start following the oil change as the oil will be ready for circulation immediately. This isn’t feasible in every engine, but there is a chance for this particular M110 engine. Install the oil filter in a careful manner, making sure not to spill the oil from the newly installed filter. You should tighten your fingers so that you feel sure you won’t damage the threads. To tighten the threads, you’ll have to use the torque wrench and tighten it up to 35 Nm. This is fairly snug and will ensure that there is no leakage into the filter housing. However, too tight and you’ll ruin the housing of the filter. Clean the housing of the filter and surrounding area so that you can look for oil leaks in the future.

Adding new oil:

Before pouring fresh oil look over the old oil and check for remnants and metal parts in the base of your drip pan. My service b mercedes clean and there was no trace of metal or excessive old oil however because the car had been in a parked position for so long, with just a few quick starts occasionally the oil pan formed a layer of gunk which was released when I drained the oil. It was nothing major but it was the right time to replace the oil, for certain.


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