Prayer time Ajman

Prayer time Ajman

What is the all prayer times Ajman?

Prayer time Ajman is a very important part of many faiths across the world, but especially for Muslims. If you’re in need of prayer times for Ajman UAE, this guide will help you.


All prayer times Ajman consist of five daily prayers: Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha. The time for the first two prayers is early in the morning and the last two prayers are late at night.

All prayer times Ajman UAE

All prayer times in Ajman can be found on the Ajman Municipality’s website. The timings for all prayers are as follows:

  • Fajr Prayer
  • Dhuhr Prayer
  • Asr Prayer
  • Maghrib Prayer
  • Isha Prayer
prayer time in ajman

Fajr Prayer time Ajman

Fajr Prayer time in Ajman, The time of Fajr prayer in Ajman is 05:10 am. The Sun has just began to rise and the sky is still dark. The temperature is around 27 degrees Celsius. The best time to pray Fajr in Ajman is early morning when the environment is calm and the air is not too humid. The fajr prayer in Ajman is a time of great importance and it is recommended to all Muslims that they wake up early in the morning and pray Fajr. Muslims usually pray Fajr at dawn, which is the first prayer of the day. Prayer time Ajman is not just about saying a few words. It is about relinquishing worldly pleasures in order to devote oneself to Allah. During the fajr prayer, Muslims should recite Surah Al-Fatiha, ask for forgiveness and give thanks for the blessings they have been given.

Dhuhr Prayer time in Ajman

The Zuhr prayer (Arabic: صَلَاة ٱلظُّهْر ṣalāt aẓ-ẓuhr, “noon prayer”) is one of the five daily prayers practiced by Muslims. It is the second of the two obligatory prayers (the other being the Fajr prayer), and is performed at about 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon. The Zuhr prayer is usually followed by the Asr prayer. The Zuhr prayer is one of the most important prayers in Islam because it commemorates the first revelation given to Muhammad, which took place while he was in Mecca. According to Islamic belief, Muhammad stated that during the Zuhr prayer, “the angel Gabriel came to him with a scroll of parchment containing Allah’s word.” Zuhr prayers time Ajman are typically longer than those for Fajr or Asr, and are preceded by a short ritual cleansing ritual known as Wudu. Muslims face east towards Mecca at all times during their prayers.

Asr Prayer time in Ajman

The Asr prayer (Arabic: صلاة العصر ṣalāt al-ʿaṣr, “afternoon prayer”) is one of the five daily prayers time Ajman. It is the third and last of the five canonical prayers and is recited at approximately 3:50 p.m.

Maghrib Prayer time in Ajman

The Maghrib Prayer (Arabic: صلاة المغرب ṣalāt al-maġrib, “sunset prayer”) is one of the five daily prayers in Islam, and is performed at sunset. Maghrib Prayer time Ajman 05:39 p.m. The primary purpose of the Maghrib Prayer is to seek forgiveness for one’s sins before God. Muslims are instructed to recite verses from the Quran and pray for mercy and forgiveness. Muslims also make supplications for protection from evil, guidance during the night journey to Paradise, and good health.

Isha Prayer time in Ajman

The Isha prayer time Ajman(Arabic: صلاة العشاء ṣalāt al-ʿišāʾ, “night prayer”) is one of the five daily prayers practiced by Muslims. It is obligatory for all adult Muslims who are able to pray, and the time is 7:09 PM. The prayers is composed of five elements: standing, bowing, prostrating, reciting the Qurʾān, and repeating Allahu Akbar (“God is Great”).


The all prayer times Ajman can be found here. If you are looking for the latest all prayer times in Ajman, this is the place to be.


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