Why You Never See Custom Boxes That Actually Work

Why You Never See Custom Boxes That Actually Work

So you want to start a business and sell your product, but you don’t have a lot of money to spend on custom printed boxes wholesale

You know that cardboard boxes are the most affordable option out there and they can be reused multiple times before they need to be recycled. But is this really true? We’ll explore the ways custom boxes work as well as why they’re so popular among small businesses in this article.

Have A Terrific Style Of Custom Boxes

Style is important in any field of work, but it’s especially important when it comes to packaging. The right box can make or break your product, so if you want to stand out from the rest of the crowd

It makes sure that your packaging has an eye-catching design and look that matches what customers expect from your brand.

Get The Right Kind Of Packaging

When you’re looking for packaging, it’s important to think about what kind of box will be right for your product. What are the dimensions and weight of your product? Do you need a custom storage box or can you use an existing one?

You also need to consider what kind of packaging will get your item safely to its destination. When sending something fragile in the mail, a thin cardboard box might not be able to withstand being thrown around by postal workers or being dropped on its way through the postal system. 

If there’s any chance that this could happen, make sure that whatever type of container is. You choose is sturdy enough to protect whatever’s inside from damage during transit.

Also, consider whether or not any part of your design can be reused later on–this is especially important if making an environmental impact is important for your business’ sustainability goals.

Invest In Custom Boxes That Are Also Sustainable

Custom-printed boxes are a great way to get your message out. They’re also an excellent way to promote your brand and showcase your creativity. 

But they can be difficult to find because most companies don’t take sustainability into consideration when designing their packaging.

The best custom-printed boxes are made with recycled materials like recycled paper or cardboard, which means they’re better for the environment and will last longer than their non-recycled counterparts. 

If you want to create custom storage boxes that have impactful designs, use sustainable materials like these!

Remember The Human Element When Designing Custom Boxes Wholesale

When designing custom-printed boxes wholesale, remember the human element.

Customers want to feel like their purchase was specifically made for them and that they were thought of as a person, not just another customer. 

The best way to do this is by paying attention to detail when creating your packaging design and making sure that it looks professional from every angle.

Be Consistent With Your Brand Image And Voice

You can’t just slap a logo on something and expect it to work. You need to make sure your brand image is consistent across all of your marketing materials and packaging.

If you have a fun, quirky brand voice, then stick with that tone–don’t try to be serious or professional in an attempt to seem more trustworthy or credible (unless that’s really what your customers want).

What Is The Most Important Use Of Cardboard Packaging?

Your cardboard packaging is the most important part of your product. It protects, transports, and stores the goods you are selling and provides a space for customers to display their purchases proudly. 

But it’s also more than just a box. It’s an opportunity for creativity and innovation that can help differentiate your brand from competitors.

How Can You Design A Custom Box?

There are many ways to design a custom printed box. You can use design software, or you can use a pre-designed template. You can print the box yourself, or hire a printing company. 

The most important thing is to make sure that your design is legible and easy to read so that people know what they’re getting when they open up their package.

The Ugly Truth About Custom Boxes

They may seem like the perfect solution to your packaging needs, but there are some serious drawbacks that you should be aware of. Custom-printed boxes are not sustainable.

  • They’re not sustainable: most custom gift boxes are made from corrugated cardboard which is made from trees–an important resource that we’re running out of quickly.
  • They’re not recyclable: because they are so flimsy and have so many different components (cardboard pieces, tape, and glue). 
  • It’s virtually impossible for them to be appropriately recycled at your local recycling center or landfill which means all those materials go straight into landfills where they sit for thousands of years before breaking down into toxic chemicals that pollute our air.


They are the best way to get your product onto shelves, but they can also be used for many other purposes. Custom boxes can help you stand out from the competition and give potential customers something extra special about your brand. 

Unlike other packaging options, custom gift boxes are made specifically for each individual customer so they’ll always look great no matter how big or small their business is. 


Los Angeles, California, United States


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